A nationally-recognized business leader, Donna Orender is the founder of Generation W, Generation WOW, and CEO of Orender Unlimited. She is a women’s pro basketball pioneer and former WNBA president and is deeply passionate about elevating the voices of girls and women. You can learn more about what drives Donna by watching her TEDx Talk: Fear Not the Ask. Watch now at wowsdom.com.

Hello Friends. It’s a BOOK! And it’s finally here! The spirited WOW of teen girls unites with the savvy WISDOM of women as the leaders of today connect with the leaders of tomorrow in this life-changing companion for girls called WOWsdom! The Girl’s Guide to the Positive and the Possible. I am so proud to share this difference making book with you. If you believe that all girls should have every opportunity to be all that they can be, then order a copy now & Share the WOW with the special girls in your life by clicking here.

- 74% of girls say that they are under pressure to please everyone*
- Only 1 in 5 girls believe she has what it takes to be a good leader**
- 1 in 4 girls say that their greatest challenges in attending college are confidence, motivation and support***

Based on our ongoing leadership and mentorship work with Generation WOW girls, we wanted to create a must have companion book that reminds them that they are not alone, that they can rise, achieve and soar. WOWsdom! is jam packed with letters from amazing contributors, activities and no-nonsense advice that is generously shared to support girls in their own personal journeys of discovery. This is a book with the power to transform the way young girls see themselves, each other and the world around them.
If you are a believer and want to support girls and all the positive impact that WOWsdom! brings, by all means SHARE THE WOW. Post and tag using these hash tags #wowsdom, #genwow, #sharethe wow, #genw, #mentorship. Join in the conversation at WOWsdom.com and include all your friends and family. It takes a family to raise great girls, thanks for working with me and our team at Generation W and Generation WOW to make a big difference.